These packages are available for Rhode Island puppy training.

If you’re outside Rhode Island, contact us for a customized virtual package.

Puppy Training: 

Super Start Package

For puppies 8 weeks to 5 months

Puppy Super Start Package

Puppy Super Start Package


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Get your new puppy off to the best start and take advantage of those crucial early months with Rhode Island Puppy Training!

Puppy SuperStart includes:

  • Five (5) R+ (positive) private training sessions in your home, scheduled over 5 weeks. We will work on potty training, socialization to your lifestyle, early manners, and heading-off potential trouble spots. Sessions run roughly 45 minutes.
  • Four (4) virtual check-ins of 15-20 minutes–one each week several days following the first four in-person training sessions to troubleshoot and support homework.
  • Harness introduction and fitting
  • Potty training plan and schedule forms.
  • Socialization and confidence-building plan with forms. (These personalized plans are particularly important and will be tailored to your pup’s vaccination schedule and your unique home and work situation.)
  • Photos and graduation certificate upon completion!
  • 15% lifetime discount on individual sessions for tune-ups or new behaviors that crop up.

Puppy Training:

Polite Puppy Package

Everything in Puppy Super Start PLUS get ahead of those challenging “teen” years.

Polite Puppy Package

Polite Puppy Package


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Polite Puppy includes everything in Super Start, plus:

  • Five (5) additional weeks of R+ (Positive) in-home training sessions. We will work on all the vocabulary and polite behavior skills our dogs need to navigate their world with confidence and happiness. Sessions run approximately 45 minutes.
  • Four (4) additional virtual check-ins for in-between session support.
  • Depending on your pup’s age and readiness, we will work on sit, down, off, leave it, come, touch, place, over, under, up, back, and quiet, as well as fun tricks for keeping your pup happy and her brain occupied.
  • Loose-leash walking outdoors and outside distraction training once all your pup’s vaccinations are complete and your vet okays the adventures.
  • One or two sessions can be scheduled at the beach, park, or other public outdoor meeting place once your pup’s vaccinations schedule is complete and she seems ready for that level of challenge.
  • Photos and Polite Puppy certificate upon completion!
  • 15% lifetime discount on individual sessions for tune-ups or new behaviors that crop up.

Individual Training Sessions

If you just need a little coaching or

prefer to pay as you go…

Individual Training Session

Individual Training Session


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Private One-on-One Sessions for Rhode Island Puppy Training:

  • Let’s customize what you need.
  • If you’re a returning Package client, remember your 15% lifetime discount on individual sessions for tune-ups or new behaviors that crop up.

Questions? Please reach out, I’d love to chat.